Division of Fish and Wildlife Department of Planning and Natural Resources

Government of the Virgin Islands

The following letter was distributed May 4, 2004.  It was signed by all 4 commissioners.  For a signed copy please contact the Division office in St. Croix. Information and PDF form can be downloaded here.

Dear Sir or Madam:

We are writing to advise you of regulations regarding the import of live species to the U.S. Virgin Islands.  These regulations may be found in Title 12, Chapter 2, and Title 14, Chapter 7 of the V.I. Code.  All living creatures imported to the territory must be accompanied by a Health Certificate, signed by a Veterinarian, this is all that is needed for dogs and cats.  All livestock (chickens, goats, pigs, cows, horses, etc. Contact the Department of Agriculture for a complete list) must have permits from the V.I. Department of Agriculture (DA).  All other animals, including invertebrates, must have a joint permit from both DA and the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR).  We strongly encourage owners to have their animals tagged with a Passive Integrated Transponder (mircochip) prior to import to the Territory.

                       The importer/owner of the animals in question is responsible for obtaining all required permits (Territorial and Federal), the carrier is responsible for ensuring that all permits are in place prior to transport of the animals.  The importer/owner, as well as the carrier, will be held liable for the import of animals without appropriate permits.  Each is subject to a fine of not more than $10,000 for each instance and may include a jail term of not more than 60 days for the illegal import of any live animal. For the assessment of the penalty each individual specimen is considered a separate offense.

            We are very concerned about the accidental introduction of zoonotic diseases to the Territory.  Recent occurrences of animal diseases infecting humans has alerted us to the potential serious health issues of unregulated animal imports to both local animals and humans.  Diseases like West Nile Virus, Newcastle , and Rabies have never been recorded in the Territory and it would be disastrous if they ever reached here.  We are very lucky to live in a territory with very few infectious diseases we need to try and keep it that way.

For more information on live animal imports please feel free to contact the Department of Agriculture (340) 778-0997, or the Division of Fish and Wildlife (340) 773-1082.  For international imports contact the USDA in either Puerto Rico or St. Croix.


Your cooperation is appreciated.




Dean C. Plaskett, Esq.                                                  Lawrence Lewis, Ph.D.

Commissioner, DPNR.                                                 Commissioner, DA





Darlan Brin                                                                   Darlene A. Carty, MA. Ed, RTT                      

Commissioner, Port Authority                                       Commissioner, Health


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